The Farmyard Collection

These Ceramic Wool Dispensers - in 4 different styles - provide valuable safe and warm nesting material for wild birds nesting in the garden. Sheep’s wool improves insulation for young chicks during cold weather. Wild birds seek out this natural material known for its strength, softness and warmth. Birds must tease out the wool – do not place it in a nest directly. The wool dispensers can be filled with fine twigs, moss, plant and animal fluff and fine grasses as well as wool.

These Ceramic Bird Feeders - in 4 different styles - are a delightful addition to your outdoor space, designed to infuse colour and joy into any home with these cheerful farm characters. Ideal for holding seed mixes and suet pellets, this feeder will quickly turn your garden into a haven for wild birds. Whether nestled among vibrant blooms or placed in a secluded corner, it adds a charming touch to any outdoor area. Crafted from high-fired ceramic in cheerful hues, this feeder is built to withstand frosty weather, ensuring its durability throughout the seasons. 
The Farmyard Collection
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Simon King
'Woolie' the sheep - Ceramic sheep with nesting wool
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Wildlife World
'Woolie' Hanging Ceramic Sheep - Bird Feeder
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Wildlife World
'Curlie' Hanging Ceramic Pig - Bird Feeder
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Wildlife World
'Curlie' Hanging Ceramic Pig With Nesting Wool
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Wildlife World
'Hairie' Hanging Ceramic Highland Cow - Bird Feeder
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Wildlife World
British Nesting Wool
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Wildlife World
'Hairie' Hanging Ceramic Highland Cow With Nesting Wool
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Wildlife World
'Cluckie' Hanging Ceramic Hen - Bird Feeder
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Wildlife World
'Cluckie' Hanging Ceramic Hen With Nesting Wool
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