Bird Food
Wild birds can suffer from food shortages all year round. However, winter feeding will often be the most beneficial to your garden birds. You’ll give them a better chance to survive by feeding them throughout the year.
Put out food and water regularly during the cold winter months. Birds require high-fat foods at this time, to survive the frosty nights they’ll need to maintain their fat reserves. You should establish and keep a feeding routine, adjusting the quantity given to keep up with the demand as the birds will become used to the food and return to your garden accordingly.
Birds will be moulting and breeding during the summer months, thus requiring high-protein foods and water during, particularly dry spells. Seed mixes, soft fruits and mealworms are right foods to provide during the warmer months. Avoid peanuts, fat and bread as they can be harmful to nestlings. The extra food on your bird table or feeder can make a big difference to the survival of young if temporary food shortages occur during the spring or summer.